The Art of Andrew Norris

'By The Water' Digital Art by A.Norris

'The Waterfall' Digital Art by A.Norris
"Andrew’s journey with ongoing mental health issues has found relief, expression and therapeutic value over the past two decades of dabbling in visual arts, leading to numerous local awards, community arts involvement and now formal studies in graphic design.
Yet more and more the illness he lives with and the stigma of its unseen nature shifts his identity towards being an outsider to the arts, society and the world. Yet despite this, he sees the world through a different perspective of nature and life, colour and form, and the subconscious journey.
The selection from a series of works shown individually focus on a simple theme held dear to memory. Delving into the channeled memories and subconscious of the theme of childhood through to adulthood the digital works take shape almost on automation. The series focused on form, gradient, colour, movement and layering. Keeping with a simple, clear and coherent images he brings memories to life depicting a love and passion for the natural world and life itself"

'Of Flame and Fire' Digital Art by A.Norris
'Of Feather and Flight' Digital Art by A.Norris
'The Escarpment' Digital Art by A.Norris