Sean Bacon
Sean is a Sydney-based video designer who has been working in the industry for almost two decades and has collaborated with many national and international artists
Sean’s talent is his use of live video in performance. He is Australia’s leading practitioner working with live capture and live mixing of the visual elements in performance, creating a unique and dynamic theatrical environment. It is his exceptional knowledge and ability to integrate the visual element into the performance that has seen him work with Australia’s leading companies and artists.

"Richard Tognetti, director Neil Armfield and deviser Nigel Jamieson have captured the essence of what soldier-poet Wilfred Owen described as “the pity of war, the pity war distilled”. Music, spoken word and images have been woven together in this thoughtfully conceived commemoration. Key to its success is its cosmopolitan outlook, which considers the Turkish experience of Gallipoli as well as the Anglo-Australian one, backed by Sean Bacon’s evocative video designs of contemporary World War I photographs."

Sydney Theatre Company production of The Maids, starring Cate Blanchett and Isabelle Huppert. This performance was mixed live for the entire duration of the show, giving the audience unique and intimate access to the two actresses on stage.
"Sean Bacon has designed and operates a live video feed, screened hugely above the stage, that peers into the actors' faces and movements from outside the walls, like paparazzi snaps but more luminous and revealing. " JOHN MCCALLUM THE AUSTRALIAN JUNE 09, 2013